Video sharing with a limited number of views

Directlinks often contain sensitive information such as unreleased movies or TV films. Especially here it is of enormous importance that you keep full control over your data. One component for secure sharing of movies and films can be the number of possible views. The value is set when the Directlink is created and specifies how often a link can be viewed.

We distinguish between personalized Directlinks where Webgate sends the invitation and each user receives his own link, and self send Directlinks, where one and the same link is created for several users.

If a person is invited via with a personalized Directlink, with for example three possible views, the invitee can open the link once on the smartphone, iPad and laptop. After that, all views are blocked. The invitee can watch the film multiple times in the same session on the identical device.

The maximum limit also applies to self send Directlinks, but does not differentiate between the users. No matter who accesses the link, every view counts. If the limit is reached, the link is blocked for all.

If you want to reset the counter of a Directlink, you can do this either for all links at once or for single users. In the context menu of the Directlink in the sidebar you can reset all views at once, in the admin view of the Directlink you can reset the counter for individual invitees.

Published at: January 13, 2022 09:00 AM

Video sharing with a limite...


ARRI Webgate is becoming We’re also changing our domain from to We’re changing the name, but keeping the same easy way to collect video feedback, host files and share your high value video footage.

We change the name due to the sale of ARRI Media GmbH to the SL Unternehmens-Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH. We’re also looking forward delivering our modern video workflow through a shorter and more expressive name and domain.

What is happening with your account and projects?

All your account details and project data stay the same. You should start using our new domain When using our old address you will be redirected to the new one starting December 15. You still log in with the same credentials as before but you may need to update your password vault.
If you are using the Webgate API you need to change the domain from to If you are the owner of a Whitelabel domain it will be automatically changed to the domain 'yoursubdomain' Visitors of your old whitelabel URL will be automatically redirected to the new domain, you don't have to take any action.

What is happening with your Directlinks?

All your previously generated and shared Directlinks will automatically redirected to our new domain.

If you have further questions write to our new support email at or using our contact form. We’re happy to help!

Published at: December 09, 2021 07:00 AM


Webgate Player Update: Bringing your video into focus.

The Webgate player is not an ordinary video player. It is built to meet the needs of video professionals and the special requirements of the film industry and their modern video workflow. This includes features like zoom, pan, video matte, playback speed, secure personalised watermarks, metadata information, video review capabilities and many more.

We recently updated our video player due to your feedback of our users. Here are some improvements we made:

We increased the visible video area, but keeping all necessary informations in spot. Your video is automatically scaled to fit your viewport while showing your dailies and playlist clips. Even in fullscreen mode you can now access the clip navigation and their scene take information . By hitting «Shift + F» you can toggle clip navigation while watching your high quality video material.

A video feedback is more expressive with a drawing or scribble on the specific frame. Thats why we added the drawing feature directly to the player. By clicking the brush symbol in the upper right corner the player switches to drawing mode. After you finished your drawing you can save and comment it. We also enabled drawing in fullscreen mode for a distraction-free experience.

If you have further requirements or feedback feel free to write us at

Published at: November 08, 2021 09:37 AM

Webgate Player Update: Brin...

Collect feedback directly from your Outlook and Mail contacts

It has never been easier to invite people from Outlook or Mail directly to Webgate. It doesn't matter if you want to collect feedback on videos, invite people to your projects and online storage, or share videos securely.

You can now copy your existing email distribution lists, contacts from the Outlook address books or entire address lines from your emails and simply paste them into Webgate. Simply select the desired contacts, copy them with Cmd + C and paste them into the Webgate input field with Cmd + V. All valid email addresses will now be added at once, no matter if an email address or the name of a contact is displayed in the address bar of your mail program. Everything that is not an e-mail address will be filtered out automatically. If non-valid email addresses are part of the text, you will also receive an error message with a list of the unaccepted email addresses.

The whole thing also works with documents like PDF, Excel or Word. Here you can also copy text and email addresses together and paste them into Webgate. This is how you integrate Webgate as video review and collaboration software into your existing workflows.

Published at: September 15, 2021 09:00 AM

Collect feedback directly f...

A step-by-step guide to configuring directlinks

Your feedback drives us – We are very happy to present to you the new Directlink Wizard.

What does the new Directlink Wizard do?
With its all-new, intuitive menu navigation, it enables you to send your directlinks faster and easier, and to make them even more secure with individualized watermarks.

Here’s how it works:
Activate the Directlink Wizard with the well-known Directlink symbol.
Easy-to-follow steps lead you intuitively and quickly through the entire set-up process, whether you are experienced with direct links or a first-time user.

As always, first you decide on the directlink’s name, period of validity, the comments and coordination function, and whether video files can be downloaded or not.

In the next step you determine the type of directlink and thus the link’s security level. You can choose between a link with or without a password and a personalized directlink with a one-time password.

Tip: We recommend that you enter the recipients straight into Webgate and activate the access log. This gives you a good overview of who accesses your link, when and how often.

Now the Wizard takes you automatically to the video settings. Here you can determine the resolution and decide if you want to add a
watermark for additional security. You determine the type of watermark in the dropdown menu. As usual, you can use a PNG as a watermark. But now you can also add text for all or an individualized text for each recipient, in order to guarantee the highest level of security. These options can be combined with each other as you wish.
The video settings are always part of the Wizard, even if you are not sharing videos but other files or folders, in case you want to add videos later.

Then, in the new, interactive overall preview in the Directlink Wizard, you can check all your entries and adjust them where necessary.

You will find further information and a function summary at "Share files and media via Directlink".

As always, we are very happy to receive your feedback.
All the best, and have fun doing magic with the Directlink Wizard ;-)

Your Webgate team

Published at: August 10, 2021 06:00 AM

A step-by-step guide to con...

Transferring immediate dailies from Silverstack Lab to ARRI Webgate

Dailies can now be sent even faster and easier with the new link between Silverstack Lab and ARRI Webgate.

Silverstack is the standard software on filmsets for data wranglers and DITs. Silverstack Lab is the flagship of the Silverstack product family. In addition to enabling controlled, checksum-based offloads, Silverstack Lab also makes automatic audio-synch, color grading and quality control possible, and has a high-performance transcoding engine. And that's where ARRI Webgate comes into the picture.

Silverstack Lab now has an interface to ARRI Webgate. Dailies can now be uploaded directly from the set into ARRI Webgate from Silverstack Lab, with precise timecodes and all the key metadata. You simply connect the two tools up to each other, and immediately you can access ARRI Webgate from within Silverstack Lab. That means that you can put together an ARRI Webgate playlist for the day of shooting in question, in Silverstack Lab, and upload the desired clips. There is no faster way to send dailies around.

Use cases:

The fastest track to graded dailies
The image and sound data on set converge at the DIT. In Silverstack Lab, the information about the scene/shot and take is issued and cirlce takes are marked. The dailies are graded, auto synched and proxies are rendered. The graded dailies are then uploaded to ARRI Webgate including the metadata.

Quick and dirty
Even if you don't have time for grading on set, the new link can still add value. Sometimes it is not the look but the actor at the focus of your considerations. For instance, it is also conceivable to generate ungraded dailies or dailies with a Lookfile, and upload them into ARRI Webgate immediately after the offload. These "pre-dailies" can then be unlocked in ARRI Webgate for individual people only, such as the director who wants to view the dailies right after the end of shooting. As soon as the dailies are graded, they can replace the ungraded dailies and unlocked for everyone else.

The shortcut to post production
Normally, if you want to deliver shots from the set to post production for a grading test, you need a courier because the internet connection is too slow for the OCD upload. Logarithmic proxies can also be the fastest way to send data to post production, as these can be sent well through the internet, and if the data rate is sufficient they can be enough for an initial assessment or look test by a colorist. That is now also an option with the new link from Silverstack Lab to ARRI Webgate.

We love it. Hopefully you will too.

More about this and the corresponding workflow can be found here .

Published at: March 11, 2021 08:37 AM

Transferring immediate dail...

Improved usability in batch operations

After numerous user tests we have optimized some icons in our batch processing. We take this as an opportunity to give you a closer look at the batch functions and to introduce the icons.

Batch processing means that a selection of data is processed automatically. If you use ARRI Webgate as a video feedback tool, you can put a selection of clips into a Screener Link / Directlink with a single click.

Our functions also cover the daily tasks of online file hosting. You can access Share, Download, Download with Download Client, Move, Link, Notify, Add Clips to Playlist, Create Playlist for Clips, Share and Delete via the context menu (three dots).

The most common functions - Share, Download, Move, and Delete (icons from left to right) - are also located in the quick access next to the context menu.

In addition, Directlink creators will find a simple «Share» dialog in the upper right corner directly in their Directlink with the next release.

We will continue to release small improvements in the near future, which we always discuss and test with our users. Are you interested in actively shaping ARRI Webgate? Then sign up for our beta program.

Published at: December 22, 2020 08:00 AM

Improved usability in batch...

🌍Track me if you can📍

Release notes 09/2020

A new month brings news from your ARRI Webgate developer team.

We are still working on the Directlinks. Last year we did interviews with some of you about how we could better adapt the Directlinks to your needs.

A major request was an access log where you can verify that your link has not accidentally fallen into the wrong hands.
We have now completed this and it is available in ARRI Webgate in the Directlink settings. The access log works for personalised Directlinks (i.e. one link per person) and non-personalised Links.

This is how you activate the access protocol:
- Select the checkbox 'Activate access log' when you create the Directlink. You can also choose whether you want to be informed about all accesses by email.
- Create the Directlink and click on the link shown. You are now in the Directlink. In the sidebar you will find a user icon. Enter the recipients of the Directlink and Webgate will invite them for you (these are the personalised links). With personalised tracking you will see the email that accessed your link in the log, otherwise you'll only have the information that somebody accessed your link.
- You will also see a location icon in the sidebar. This is where the access log is displayed as soon as a person you shared the link with opens it. You will see the approximate location and the time of access.
- You can remove the granted access in the context menu of the invited person or resend the link.

Another wish on your part was to be able to send a personal message to the recipients of the link when ARRI Webgate sends the invitation email for you. We built that for you as well. As soon as you invite people to your Directlink, a box appears in the invitation window where you can write a text to the recipients.

Regarding security we recommend the use of personalised Directlinks.

That much from us. As usual we are looking forward to your feedback via the contact form.

See ya in October!

Published at: September 04, 2020 10:13 AM

🌍Track me if you can📍

🦠 A feature you hopefully never notice.

Release notes 08/2020

Some of the features in Webgate you hopefully never see.

For instance the new virus scanner.

ARRI Webgate regularly undergoes external security audits and we do our best to ensure that Webgate meets all security standards.

A good example is the new Webgate virus scanner. If a user uploads a virus, the following things will happen from now on:

* The file will be marked as a virus and blocked from any further processing. It can only be deleted.
* The user, as well as project and client admins are informed about the uploaded virus via e-mail.
* The file cannot be distributed via directlink.

After having finished this feature, we will now dedicate ourselves to our directlinks again.

We have received a lot of feedback about the directlinks from you over the last year. On one hand, you love the feature - on the other hand, however, we could take a lot of work off your shoulders by automation.

Upcoming topics for the *%20Send%20the%20directlink%20recipients%20a%20personal%20message

As%20always,%20if%20you%20have%20feedback%20or%20ideas,%20you%20can%20let%20us%20know%20via%20the%20">Photo by Hacker Noon on Unsplash

Published at: August 11, 2020 11:00 AM

🦠 A feature you hopefully n...

What are the developers up to?

Release notes 07/2020

Hey there.

It's been a long time since you' ve had the chance to sneak a peek into our office. Contrary to all clichés about the developer's cellar, our office is flooded with light and full of plants. To ensure that you don't lose track of new ARRI Webgate functionalities, we try to report on our topics more regularly.

- The best comes first: Finally the first step for our personalized directlinks is complete. To create the personalized directlinks, first create a directlink without inviting anyone. Then open the directlink. In the sidebar you will now find a users icon. You can invite your users and also remove them again (via the context menu. Removed users will not have access to the directlink anymore). Also you don't have to worry about the mailing anymore, because ARRI Webgate will send the directlink for you. Wohoo!
- Using right click in the ARRI Webgate Browser now opens a context menu with many practical functions.
- On our Kanban Boards you now have the possibility to archive cards. This will allow you to remove cards from your board without deleting them. You can find the functionality in the context menu of the board cards and board columns. You can access the archive via the context menu on the board.
- You can finally use emojis in boards and labels (just copy-paste and save). Yay. We like to use to find the perfect emoji for our boards and labels.
- We have also improved our architecture. Our upload bandwidth has increased tenfold (yes, exactly, 10 times faster!). We have upgraded alle our servers from a 1 Gbit connection to a 10 Gbit connection.
- and we fixed many small bugs.

That's it from us. Let us know your feature requests via the contact form.

See ya
the developers aka Jessie Evil, Coffee Kid, Injury Man, Merch Girl & Mad Sissi

Published at: July 23, 2020 11:45 AM

What are the developers up to?