Export comments for Adobe Premiere and Avid Media Composer

Export comments directly to Adobe Premiere as Adobe XML files

You have reviewed and approved an online video using ARRI Webgate and now you want to import the change requests in the comments into the editing program Adobe Premiere? The implementation of the change requests is now faster and without detours, because the Adobe-XML format has been added to ARRI Webgate, enabling comments to be imported straight into Premiere Pro – without having to go through other tools like Prelude. In addition to frame and clip comments, ARRI Webgate now also supports in and out points and passes them on to Adobe Premiere. Have you tried setting in and out points before? Well we have made this easier. Now you can simply slide the in and out points to the desired spot.

Clip-based export of comment lists

Up to now, only one file with all comments was exported for each playlist in ARRI Webgate, irrespective of the number of clips in the playlist. We talked with editors and found out that they prefer to have one comment file per clip. So that is what we have now done. In particular when multiple episodes of a season are listed consecutively as individual clips, this timeline is missing in Avid, where each video clip also has its own timeline. Now, when exporting the comments, a separate comment file is created automatically for each clip and offered for download in a zip file. Each comment file is named after its clip, to avoid confusion.

Linking the comments to timecodes

By default, the common tools like Avid start a timeline at TC 01:00:00:00. But in practice that isn’t always the case. Now the comments are linked to the sequence timecode of the video file when being exported, so that each frame-exact comment from ARRI Webgate can be found at precisely the right place in Avid.

For example: A sequence beginning with the TC 00:59:52:00 is exported from Avid and uploaded to ARRI Webgate. There, comments are left at various points. The feedback from ARRI Webgate is returned to Avid using an Avid Marker file. The comments have the identical time code as the original sequence, so they are in exactly the right place in Avid, regardless of what timecode the sequence begins at. Feedback made easy!

Also get an overview of all comment functions on videos in ARRI Webgate.

Published at: June 03, 2020 02:00 PM

Export comments for Adobe P...

Stay in touch even from the home office with the video chat function

Since personal contacts should be reduced to a minimum right now, we have integrated a video chat function for you in ARRI Webgate. There you can meet and exchange ideas with your colleagues and partners virtually, access to ARRI Webgate is not required. Simply copy the meeting link and share it with your conversation partners. You can protect your meeting with a password and share your screen. Even though the function may not be perfect yet, it can make your work and coordination easier. Feel free to give us feedback so that we can decide whether to keep the function when the crisis is hopefully over soon.

Stay cheerful and healthy!
Your ARRI Webgate Team.

Published at: April 01, 2020 12:00 PM

Stay in touch even from the...

Video and audio deliveries made easy with the folder upload

In film productions, different companies and freelancers always work together. During postproduction, therefore, data is constantly exchanged between the trades. Especially for audio data, there are often complex folder structures for stems, M&E, dialog, mix sessions, ADR, foley, etc.. If this data is shared, you want to keep the clarity with the help of the folder structures, of course. Exactly this is now possible with ARRI Webgate. Simply drag and drop a folder into the upload window. The relative path of each file is shown here. By pressing Start, the folders and subfolders are now included and all files are stored in the identical folder structure in ARRI Webgate.

The chain is now closed. You can now upload folder structures and use Directlinks to share entire folder structures. You can download folder structures with the Download Manager, currently still in the beta phase, or by using the ZIP download. And best of all, you can now send Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) without having to zip them first. Just drag and drop the DCP into the upload window and the DCP structure is preserved! This saves you a lot of time when delivering your data!

Published at: March 31, 2020 12:00 PM

Video and audio deliveries ...

Remote controlled downloads with the Download Manager

Achieve your goals faster with the ARRI Webgate Download Manager

To make downloading even faster and more reliable, we are currently developing the ARRI Webgate Download Manager. With it, you neither have to be present for downloads, nor do you have to have your browser open.

The advantages of the Download Manager are:
- Remote controlled downloads from ARRI Webgate.
- Downloads to multiple computers simultaneously.
- Downloads also continue when the browser is closed.
- Entire directories can be downloaded.
- High speed downloads from all of our servers simultaneiously
- Interrupted downloads are resumed.

A use case is for example, sending DNxHD files from the dailies department to the editing room. Whereas the editor's assistant previously had to download the DNxHD files from ARRI Webgate before starting work, editing can now start immediately. The download to the editing room's computer can now be controlled remotely through ARRI Webgate by the Dailies department, eliminating the annoying waiting times before editing can begin.

The ARRI Webgate Download Manager is currently available as a Beta feature for your Mac. If you want to test the ARRI Webgate Download Manager, simply sign-on to our Beta Tester programme. We are looking forward to your feedback.

Published at: March 30, 2020 12:00 PM

Remote controlled downloads...

Reliable and fast - The download as ZIP

Zip streaming in ARRI Webgate? Of course!
Zipping files to download them afterwards can be a tedious and lengthy proposition when the data volumes are large. But that's now a thing of the past with ARRI Webgate. Because with zip streaming, a file can be downloaded onto your computer while it is being compressed – simultaneously instead of consecutively. That makes your download faster and easier. Waiting for the Zip file to be finished is now history, and we are making something come true that our customers have been wanting for a long time.

Another benefit: The folder hierarchy remains in place when creating the Zip file, and is not removed as used to be the case when zipping, which would cause the files from different subfolders to end up in the same folder. This means more clarity, which saves you time and stress.
If the topic of directories and folder structures is of interest to you, we also have an article about how to share folder structures via Directlink .

Zip streaming is making mass downloads obsolete
And at the same time we can say goodbye to the mass download thanks to zip streaming. This also solves the problem that some browsers, like Mozilla Firefox, always asked where every single individual file was to be saved to.
This isn't a must though. Individual files can still be downloaded as always by clicking on the file.

Published at: March 27, 2020 02:00 PM

Reliable and fast - The dow...

Work safely during the corona pandemic

To help you connect and work safely during the corona pandemic, ARRI is offering its Webgate cloud service Studio 500 package for 30 days free of charge*.

As a partner to the entertainment industry, we want to do our bit to help master the severe restrictions that the corona crisis brings with it.

Stay connected
With ARRI Webgate you can save your data in our cloud and, regardless of where your individual team members are located, place comments and corrections on your video files, jointly give clearance to rough cuts using the coordination function, or send image and video files to internal and external partners with Directlinks.

To facilitate working together in this troubled time of limited personal contact, we are happy to now offer you our Studio 500 package for free for 30 days*. The Studio 500 package includes unlimited users, 500 GB of storage space, and 500 transcoding minutes. Simply click here to benefit from this special offer. The offer is aimed at all those who urgently have to communicate with their teams regarding ongoing projects, and who do not yet have their own ARRI Webgate account.

Want to learn more about how ARRI Webgate works? Click here or get in touch with us by sending us an email.

The coronavirus is posing new and unfamiliar challenges. We're all in the same boat. Let's work together to master the tasks that lie before us!

All the best. Keep healthy and calm.

Your ARRI Webgate team

* This offer is valid for all new registrations on ARRI Webgate and is valid until April 13th, 2020 or until further notice.

Published at: March 23, 2020 03:30 PM

Work safely during the coro...

Directlinks with folders

We continuously improve the functionality of ARRI Webgate and are happy to inform you that it is now possible to send an entire folder structure via a Directlink. You can now share not only single files or a folder level, but entire folders including subfolders and files contained via an ARRI Webgate Directlink.

So what's new about this?
The recipient of a Directlink can navigate the existing folder structure of a shared folder without leaving the Directlink.

Creating a Directlink to a folder is now no longer a snapshot of the folder at a certain point in time, but a real time image of the folder and its structure in your ARRI Webgate project.

Changes you make to a folder are also made simultaneously in the Directlink. If objects are added to a shared folder, they will automatically appear in the Directlink. The folder is always up to date. If objects are moved or deleted from the shared folder, they will also disappear in the Directlink.

How do I know it's a shared folder?
The paper plane icon is displayed on folders, that are included in a Directlink. Upon navigating into the shared folder a message box will inform you that the folder is included in a Directlink.

What happens to my old Directlinks with folders?
Old Directlinks to a folder are not affected by the change and will remain a snapshot of the state of the folder at the time of creation.

Now, how do I download the entire folder structure?
As a recipient of the Directlink, you can download all files included in the shared folder. However, the folder structure is currently not preserved when using the ZIP download. Stay tuned and we'll let you know once this works (within the next few weeks).

As always, we look forward to your feedback.

Published at: January 30, 2020 01:00 PM

Directlinks with folders

@all - It's time to show emotions

Now you can communicate even more efficiently and mention those users in the comments for whom your statement is particularly relevant. Use the @-symbol to mention the person you want to address and they will receive a notification via the bell.

You can also underline your comments with emoticons now :-) . Scott Fahlman already realized 33 years ago that online communication can easily lead to misunderstandings, as neither gestures nor facial expressions nor pitches can be transmitted.

Especially in large teams, when a personal contact between two team members may not have taken place yet, a clear understanding of the feedback transmitted is important.

Understanding irony or critical statements via text is often difficult for the other person, which is why emoticons can help you to clarify the meaning of the statements and reduce misunderstandings. Read more about emoticons on Business Insider .

Published at: October 30, 2019 11:00 PM

@all - It's time to show em...

Vote via keyboard shortcuts in fullscreen mode

Now you can operate ARRI Webgate even better. Save time and clicks and use the practical keyboard shortcuts to navigate through your gallery or playlist. We show you how it's done and why this is so useful for your teamwork.

Which keyboard shortcuts are there?

No matter if you're in a gallery or a playlist: you can always use the shortcuts. For example just press the space key to start and stop a video. The same goes for hitting the „K“ button. With the arrow keys you can jump to the next or the prior frame. When you hit the „L“ the video plays faster. „J“ does the opposite.

If you press shift and one of the arrow keys simultaneously while watching your video, you can move ten seconds forward or backwards. In combination with the alt key it is just five seconds, and only two in combination with Ctrl.

Voting, commenting, and finding comments

These keyboard shorcuts will ease and enhance your workflow. But they are even more useful for your teamwork. By pressing „C“ all comments are displayed. If you combine it with shift you can comment yourself.

You are working on a movie project and need to quickly navigate through your comments? Again the shortcuts can help you with that. Press the dot key „ . “ to jump to the next comment in the project. Hit the comma button „ , “ if you want to go to the previous one.

You can set in- and outpoints by pressing „Ctrl“ in combination with „I“ or „O“, „I“ for in, „O“ for out. It doesn't stop there. Combine the arrow keys with alt and move your in- & out-point one frame ahead or back or jump straight to your set markers.

But sometimes there is no time even for that. No comments, no in- and out-points, you just want to rate certain sequences. You can do that - quick and easy - with the shortcuts. Just hit the „3“ to like the chosen spot. If you're in between „2“ is your choice. If you don't like what you see press the „1“. All in all a simple and logic system to rate and vote, that will blend in with your daily work intuitively.

Key combination overview appears in your galleries and playlists

No matter how intuitive those shortcuts and combinations are we don't expect you to learn them by heart. That's why you find them in the sidebar on the right hand side when you're in your gallery or playlist. Just click on the keyboard symbol and a list will open up with all keyboard combinations – including the ones described in this text.

The biggest plus: They all work in fullscreen mode

We know that most movie projects are mostly watched in fullscreen mode. So we made all shortcuts work in fullscreen as well. This comes in handy especially for the rating since you don't have to exit the fullscreen mode to rate a certain sequence. Just a simple hit on 1, 2, or 3, a jump to the next sequence and the numbers game can start again.

This helps to work more efficiently and makes your teamwork easier because the assessment of a scene or a certain element is far quicker. It also means that feedback is given faster and the project moves faster.

More information for example on how to vote in general can be found in our guide.

Your ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: August 20, 2019 08:00 AM

Vote via keyboard shortcuts...

ARRI Webgate Directlink: Comment on clips without logging in

Filming is done and the movie is ready to be cut. But how do you do that if the director is in Los Angeles and the editor is in Berlin? Pretty easy. Use ARRI Webgate Directlinks.

Comment without login

And this is how it's done: Upload the clips you want someone to comment on into a playlist. After that click on Directlink and choose your basic settings. Pick a name, generate a link, and send it to the people that you want to see the sequence. And now the exciting part: The person that is supposed to see and evaluate the version doesn't need to be registered with ARRI Webgate. This means also people outside the project and customers can state their opinion - frame by frame.

Safety first: limit the validity of your link

Giving outsiders access to unpublished material can stop a heartbeat for some, for others it leads to pure anxiety. But securing your data was and is one of the main focus points while developing the Directlinks. Starting with the basic settings you can select how long the link is valid: From six hours to over a year to any date you like.
On top of that, you can decide if the Screener links are available for download or just for streaming. You can even decide if someone is allowed to comment or if it is only a poll for a certain sequence. This is useful for valuations of different versions of a VFX shot and to decide which version will end up in the movie.

Password protection for your Directlink

This is not where the protection ends. Your clips can be password protected as well. Distribute the password separately and directly to the person that you would like to watch the clip. Ideally you choose another channel than the one you used for sending the Directlink, this can be text messages or via phone.

Even more security with user restriction and watermarks

There are even more possibilities to protect your intellectual property. For example, if you would like to send a Directlink to journalists so that they can write about your film before it premiers. With ARRI Webgate you simply place a watermark with the journalist’s name or a certain code on the content so that an illegal transfer can be traced back to the source.
On top of that, you can restrict the usage, or amount of times the link can be accessed. Choose how often your content can be watched or restrict the content to certain users. Once the limit has been reached, the Directlink is deactivated and can no longer be accessed. By the way, you can choose to get notified via email every time someone watches your scenes.

Support comments with drawings

Besides security features and eased communication, one of the main goals of the Directlinks is making working together as simple as possible is. Hence, ARRI Webgate does not only allow you to comment frame by frame but you can also draw onto the pictures and sequences to stress your point. This is very helpful if, for instance, something needs to be taken out of a sequence or a frame and you have to let the post production know. You could either do that by writing a very specific and long text, or you just take the easy way out and comment: “Please erase the highlighted element.” on the specific scene and give your feedback via the Directlink. This is quickly done and you can go on to the next task. You have given precise instructions and saved a lot of time. This is how Directlinks can make your film project more efficient and your workflow easier.

Import comments into your editing software

All comments can be exported as Avid Markers and can also be reimported into the Avid. Change requests can be reassembled easily in the editorial. Besides an Avid Marker file also an Adobe XMP file can be exported as well.

If you're interested in Directlinks take a look at our other blog article, you will find it here. We explained how the enhanced Directlinks overview makes your work easier.
And if this is not enough you can find even more information on Directlinks in our Guide.

Your ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: June 30, 2019 02:00 PM

ARRI Webgate Directlink: Co...