Extensive roles and permissions management for your dailies and film projects

With ARRI Webgate you can easily adapt and configure user roles and permissions for your dailes and film projects. Edit roles and permissions and tailor all access settings to the needs and requirements of your project.

What are roles and permissions?
We offer five default user roles for every new project that you create. Those are member, user, owner, project admin and project controller. A permission enables a user to do certain things within your project, i.e. comment on a clip. A role is a combination of different permissions. In ARRI Webgate you can edit roles and combine different permissions to create roles that fit your requirements.

Flexibility within our user management
A user can have one or more roles and each role can have different permissions. This allows for maximum flexibility in organizing your users and teammates within your film project.

Room- and project roles
The permission system distinguishes client, room and project roles. Room roles apply to chosen rooms only, whereas project roles apply to the entire project and thus to all rooms. Client roles apply to all projects belonging to a client. A room is the highest folder within a project. You can have several rooms within one project and on the same level. Assign different roles for different rooms to your users and share content with only the group of people it is meant for. Stay in control of access rights.

Client roles
Client admins can edit all client settings. For reasons of access control and security, you will be notified via email once another client admin is added to or removed from your client.

Tailored to your needs
Create new roles, edit existing ones and adjust them to fit your project requirements. As a project admin it is important to always keep track of your teammates' roles. Use the Users tab in the sidebar of the ARRI Webgate Browser to get a quick overview. You will find all users that can access your project with their corresponding roles there.
We have now added the possibility to see roles and permissions for every project user as well. Within the user sidebar the new tab Roles tells you which roles and permissions you have in every project and room. Go to our guide to see extensive information on permissions and roles.

We are looking forward to your feedback and comments via the contact form.
The ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: April 10, 2019 10:00 PM

Extensive roles and permiss...

Enhanced Overview for your Directlinks and shared media

Share media via the ARRI Webgate Directlink

Share content with clients and team members and send files, videofiles and playlists using our Directlinks. Allow collaborators with or without an account to access your mediafiles. Set up each directlink to your liking - allow users to comment and vote on your media. Determine how often a link can be accessed and choose to be notified via email whenever your directlink is visited. Provide screening links with or without the option to download content, use a watermark to add a layer of security and protect your link with a password . Always stay in control of your media.

Always stay on top of your directlinks

You keep track of the data you share via directlinks. Now we help you to keep track of your directlinks.

Access the new directlinks overview via the 'Directlinks' menu item in the footer menu of the ARRI Webgate Browser. Two become one - the new button Search and show now combines both the functionality to 'search' for a link and to 'show all' directlinks. The new enhanced overview helps you get work done faster and improves your workflow.

One overview, fewer clicks, improved workflow

Gone are the times of jumping back and forth between popup windows. Open the directlink overview in a separate browser window and work on different projects simultaneously - the combined search and view functionalities make searching, filtering and finding directlinks quick, easy and efficient.

New and enhanced sorting and filtering options

We have added further filtering options to our list. So far you could filter for directlink name, directlink type (upload or download), directlink url, creator and validity. Now you can filter your directlinks using even more criteria:

- source folder of your data,
- watermarks and
- frequently accessed directlinks.

Improved navigation among source folder and directlink

Jump from the directlinks overview page straight into the source folder of your media. Save time and keep track of your shared and linked data.

All valid and invalid directlinks are part of one combined list now to facilitate your search. Hide invalid links and see only what's important.

Keep editing your directlinks in the overview using the context menu.

We look forward to hearing your feedback. You can reach out for ideas for improvement via the contact form.

Your ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: April 01, 2019 07:09 AM

Enhanced Overview for your ...

Metadata Export for the ARRI Webgate dailies platform

Pomfort Silverstack Lab: Metadata Export for ARRI Webgate
Use Silverstack Lab by Pomfort for your data management and as a dailies tool to grade and export your dailies. It supports Digital Image Technicians (DIT) and Data Wranglers directly on set.

Metadata Export for the ARRI Webgate dailies platform

Silverstack Lab now has a dedicated ARRI Webgate Avid Log Exchange (ALE) Metadata export function. This enables you to easily upload your rushes including metadata into ARRI Webgate. Do this directly on set, after the color grading is done. Improve your DIT workflow and easily move your data from your data management- to your dailies tool.

When exporting data for ARRI Webgate from Silverstack Lab, the latter preselects the correct export settings for you. All the metadata you have in Silverstack Lab will be available in ARRI Webgate. Information on scene, shot and take will be matched to the corresponding clip in ARRI Webgate.

From White Flagged Takes to Circle Takes

Tag your footage as ‘good shots’ using the white flag feature in Silverstack Lab and export your data for the ARRI Webgate dailies platform. Import your data and all ‘good shots’ will be tagged as circle takes. Use your metadata to keep track of your valuable shots across both - ARRI Webgate and Silverstack Lab platforms and optimize your DIT workflow.

Export and transfer your feedback into ARRI Webgate

Your team has already collected feedback on your footage or provided shot descriptions? Suggestions for improvements have been made? Your valuable feedback will not be lost when exporting for and importing into ARRI Webgate.

All comments on clips made in Silverstack Lab will be transferred into ARRI Webgate and can easily be viewed. Select a comment and the player will jump to the corresponding clip. See when a comment was made, what was commented on and who created the comment. Your creative work process can move from Silverstack to ARRI Webgate without interruptions. Provide even better feedback by using ARRI Webgate’s drawing feature and draw directly on the video.

For your colleagues and teammates to be able to see and access comments, their user accounts will need the ‘comment and vote’ permission. The user roles ‘User’, ‘Owner’, and ‘Project Admin’ have this permission by default. To grant a ‘Member’ role the permission to see and access comments, it is sufficient to create a new role with the corresponding rights and assign it to the user. If you do not have the necessary permissions to do this, contact your project administrator, who can do this for you.

Metadata Workflow with ARRI Webgate

Metadata can be imported into ARRI Webgate via ALE files, a file format made for managing your metadata and supported by most systems. The information included in your ALE metadata file will be matched with clips in ARRI Webgate. All you need to do, to make this work is follow a few naming guidelines, further explained in our guide.

ARRI Webgate Dailies Player

Use the ARRI Webgate Dailies Player App for IOS to view your dailies and to filter and sort your shots by metadata, including scene or shootdate.

Published at: February 19, 2019 03:00 PM

Metadata Export for the ARR...

Transcoding Up to Date

ARRI Webgate is even more flexible now, with additional input formats. By upgrading our transcoding pipeline, we support more file formats and it is possible to convert DNxHR files up to 2k and GoPro Cineform files into streaming derivatives.

For our transcoding pipeline we have introduced a new and improved logic. Render queues run smarter and waiting times are kept to a minimum. In addition, we have added extra transcoders to ARRI Webgate to enable more parallel renderings. All ARRI Webgate cloud computers are now networked with 10 Gbit/s. This helps to improve the performance of uploads, renderings and the video playback.

For a better sound experience, we've increased the audio data rate for 720p and 1080p streaming files to 256kbps. On the image side we achieved an improved color reproduction for REC709. For an optimal color fidelity, we recommend Safari and Chrome for MAC systems, and Chrome for Windows systems. On iPads and iPhones, the color fidelity is guaranteed in all major browsers and of course in the Dailies Player App. For color-critical approvals, we recommend the use of an iPad, since the color accuracy for REC709 is very high.

Published at: January 16, 2019 09:00 AM

Transcoding Up to Date

Improved access control for your dailies tool

Improve team collaboration with the new User Sidebar. The member view provides optimal transparency in your dailies projects. Know at a glance who has access to a project or a room and see their roles and permissions. Allow users to see the list of all team members.

Easy role management: admins can quickly change their users' permissions, limit access and reset team members' passwords. With only one click users can be removed from a project or from the entire client.

The new user sidebar is automatically displayed for newly created projects. It is deactivated for existing projects, but can be activated at any time in the project settings. ARRI Webgate, the perfect software for your dailies and review workflow.

Published at: December 03, 2018 10:00 AM

Improved access control for...

Get your ARRI Webgate Demo Account now

Get your free ARRI Webgate and Dailies Player App trial account today and try out all the features for 14 days. Make ARRI Webgate your distribution-, video- and approval-platform. Send personalized and secure screener links with watermarks, giving you full control over your content. ARRI Webgate is your online data archive and the secure Dailies Player for your productions. Organize and share your video projects in teams and work together better and faster.

Published at: November 29, 2018 03:00 PM

Get your ARRI Webgate Demo ...

User management made easy

From now on, users can also be added from the browser view of ARRI Webgate. It is no longer needed to navigate to the admin area.

Also, we have simplified the add users dialog. If you are in a certain room in ARRI Webgate, you will first be offered this room for assigning rights. From now on, it is sufficient to enter the user's e-mail address, and the user then enters his personal data when the password is assigned. A handy new feature is the ability to add a comma-separated list to the "Add User" dialog, inviting many users in one step.

For each role of a room you can now see which rights hide behind each role in the add users dialog. If a passive user is added to a project, he will automatically receive a new invitation e-mail. Also, a passive user can now request a new invitation e-mail with the help of the password forgotten function in the login window.

Published at: August 10, 2018 08:00 AM

User management made easy

Architecture update

In addition to adjustments in the frontend, we have made many optimizations in the architecture in the last six months. These adjustments are not immediately apparent. Therefore, we want to inform you about how we could continuously improve the performance of ARRI Webgate.

Often, data must be delivered as quickly as possible. To make this possible, we took a closer look at the uploads to ARRI Webgate. We could achieve three times as much upload bandwidth through customization. Also, we could massively accelerate the uploads of many individual files. In addition, we have introduced a monitoring that allows us to monitor all uploads. If your uploads are slow, we recommend first to take a look at your possible bandwidth for example with Speedtest. If you have enough bandwidth and an upload is nevertheless slowly from now on we can support you better.

The biggest change in architecture in the last six months has been the creation of a storage cluster. Switching from a few to many storage servers offers many advantages. Each file is no longer saved twice, but even secured in three places. The reliability is thus greatly increased. This has already been proven when in May one of our data centers suffered a power outage during to a thunderstorm. Due to the distributed data, the failure of individual servers could be compensated for a very long time. There was only a short interruption and after a restart of the affected servers, the operation could be resumed seamlessly. Another great advantage of our cluster is that the maximum download speeds have been significantly increased.

The cluster also offers advantages in scalability of storage and backup. If more space is needed in ARRI Webgate, it is very easy to add new storages to the cluster. It is the same with the transcoders. By automating the server setup, we can add ad hoc new servers to our render farm.

All existing servers are constantly monitored by us using various tools. If a malfunction or breakdown occurs, we will be informed by e-mail or SMS and can react directly to it. The web server and the ARRI Webgate database are protected by a failover server. If there is a failure, we can quickly switch to the secondary web server. On July 3, there was a technical interruption in the data center what caused a short downtime. Just when we wanted to do the switch, however, the malfunction was already fixed in the data center.

The rendering in ARRI Webgate has been redesigned. The stability of the renderings could thus be continuously improved. The changes make it easier for us to debug rendering errors, should they occur.

The deletion of objects in the ARRI Webgate was relatively slow in the past. Through our changes the deleted storage space is directly available to you, folder sizes are adjusted directly.

Best regards
Your ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: July 23, 2018 02:00 PM

Architecture update

ARRI Webgate again subjected to Pentest

We are pleased to announce that the ARRI Webgate has again been certified as having a "very high level of security". We are constantly customizing and updating our application to ensure that your data is optimally protected against unauthorized access by third parties.

Twice a year we have the ARRI Webgate audited by an external company. On four days in May 2018, experts from SySS GmbH tried to uncover ARRI Webgate security vulnerabilities. They tried to access user data from the outside as well as from the inside with the help of an ARRI Webgate account. During the review no critical vulnerabilities were found. In particular, SySS GmbH was unable to gain access to confidential data. SySS GmbH once again certifies the web application ARRI Webgate a very high level of security.

Thank you for your trust, the ARRI Webgate Team

Published at: June 13, 2018 08:00 AM

ARRI Webgate again subjecte...

Dailies Player by ARRI Webgate Out Now!

The ARRI Webgate app for viewing dailies is here! Get the "Dailies Player by ARRI Webgate" app for iPad and iPhone in the App Store!

Download now

The Dailies Player app is the ARRI Webgate video player ideal for viewing dailies. You can log into the app using your ARRI Webgate access data and get access to all your playlists.

You can download clips and playlists and view them offline. In the video player you can have the source timecode of the clips displayed, framelines superimposed and select the streaming resolution. For rapid navigation you can skip back and forth frame by frame or in 10-second steps. If metadata has been uploaded, the scene, slate and take are displayed for every shot. If you are looking for a specific scene, use the metadata search.

Find out more.

Published at: April 26, 2018 07:00 AM

Dailies Player by ARRI Webg...